How to Stay Upbeat in a Beat Down World
The Art of Cultivating Enduring Hope
Upbeat-ness may seem like a difficult attitude to maintain in chaotic, divisive,
and heart wrenching times, but it is possible. Cultivating an upbeat and hopeful mindset
is not only essential to personal well-being but also to the well-being of our beautiful
planet and all her inhabitants.
Albert Einstein said “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the
frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.” Given
Einstein’s finding, the axiom Energy flows where attention goes is a truism of the
highest order. Energetically, everything flows toward, and creates more of, what we
believe in and focus on. When our thoughts, attitudes, and intentions, are constructive,
kind, and creative, their energy generates comparable circumstances, outcomes, and
experiences. Plus, when difficult experiences and challenges arise—which they will
because stuff happens!—we’re able to manage and move through it more quickly with
lots less turmoil and stress.
Upbeat energy pays dividends in the form of hopefulness, peace of mind,
happiness of heart, and equanimity. Upbeat, positive thoughts, attitudes, and outlooks
allow you to see the good as well as create and feel the good.
It’s my hope and dream that How to Stay Upbeat in a Beat Down World can help
you be happier and more peaceful through developing consistent positive, loving,
hopeful, and kind energy. It’s said that writers write what they need to learn, and I know
it’s true for me. I enthusiastically admit that the science, teachings, and practices I share
in Upbeat absolutely help me be upbeat much of the time and handle inevitable “stuff”
more skillfully and quickly than I used to.
Our upbeat-ness creates a wider path to and on the High Road, the road paved
with justice, equality, inclusion, happiness, and respect. A high-road society is possible
but only when established one hopeful, kind, positive, and determined individual at a
time. You and I are those individuals. The time is now, the opportunity is ours, and we
are up to it!


Although I'd always been an on-again, off-again journal writer, I never envisioned actually writing a book. However, when I was forty-five, a Writing Muse grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and would not let me go no matter how much I resisted. And resist I did! Thankfully, the muse persisted.
Photo Credit: Brett Hall

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